Kern County Collective Memory Project


|Bakersfield Sound||Dust Bowl Project||San Joaquin Valley Oral History Project|

|CSUB Faculty||Humanities Beyond Bars|

The Historical Research Center (HRC) Archives contain over 200 oral histories that were originally recorded during the late 1960s through the mid-1970s. They are currently being digitized and transcribed and will soon be added to this website. Also featured in this collection are the Dust Bowl Oral Histories. This project began in 1979 as a special projects planning grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Six pilot oral histories were conducted which laid the groundwork for the California Odyssey Project.

Beginning in the spring of 2014 the HRC began teaching “Special Topics in Applied History: Oral History Methods.” This course has been very helpful in developing our oral history collection but more importantly it has produced new oral historians. For more information about this course please visit the “Courses” section of this website.