Brady Heiner

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Dr. Brady Heiner
Project Consultant

Brady Heiner

Dr. Brady Heiner is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Affiliated Faculty of African American Studies at California State University, Fullerton, specializing in critical theory. His publications include “Feminism and the Carceral State,” in Feminist Philosophy Quarterly and “The Procedural Entrapment of Mass Incarceration,” in Philosophy & Social Criticism. Heiner is the Founding Chair of the California State University Project Rebound Consortium and the Founder and Executive Director of Project Rebound at CSU Fullerton. The Project Rebound Consortium is a network of on-campus programs that supports the higher education and successful reintegration of formerly incarcerated people by providing them with pre- and post-admission advising; academic, financial, social, legal, and psychological support; housing, meal, and transportation support, as well as opportunities to stimulate public awareness and meaningful dialogue about higher education and criminal justice through community engagement and advocacy.

Cal humanities
Whiting Foundation